Our Story

It all started over a chance introduction back in 2022 in Scotland. Rob was over visiting family in the UK and decided to take a trip to Inverness in the Scottish Highlands, where he had spent his childhood. He was staying in a hotel on the outskirts of Inverness and after dinner was chatting to the waiter, Harvey, about all things whisky. Harvey, a friend of Matt, recommended that Rob should check out Matt’s whisky bar, the Malt Room, that had just won the award ‘Scotland’s Best Whisky Bar’.

Rob and Matt met the next day in the bar, got to know each other and found that they both had very similar interests in travel, sport and, of course...whisky. On a personal level, Rob was no stranger to entrepreneurship, starting and running an award-winning regional I.T consulting firm within the Caribbean, supporting his wife Sharron in the creation (and expansion of) a premier luxury cosmetics and skincare boutique, Le Visage, in 2010 that has been a great family success. Rob suggested a whisky bar could be an amazing opportunity, and he wanted bring a taste of Scotland to Cayman. 

Rob left the next day back to Cayman, but the seed had been planted. Both Rob and Matt's passion for whisky and business took over, the messages and phone calls became more frequent, and before too long, Matt jumped on a flight to come and see Cayman for himself. The lack of rain and warm weather was certainly a good start for Matt, but more importantly, he agreed that there was a real need for a specialist whisky bar in Cayman. The search began for a location, and Camana Bay felt like the perfect place for Cask. 

Location secured, it was time for Matt to get on the plane with a one-way ticket to help turn the whisky bar dream into a reality. Construction started in February 2024 - there was a lot of work to convert a completely empty unit into a whisky sanctuary. As well as the main bar, a luxurious tasting room was designed, and the construction was completed in August 2024. 

On Tuesday the 13th of August, cask officially opened its doors - welcoming guests to enjoy over 400 different whiskies by the glass. A two-year story of two strangers, now great friends and business partners, who have taken scotch whisky to the Cayman Islands.

Matt MacPherson
Founder + Director

Rob + Sharron Eyers
Founders + Directors

Matt will be the face of Cask day to day, bringing his years of hospitality experience and passion
to the bar. Rob has been living on the island
for almost 20 years and brings vital local
knowledge and connections to the business.
They both look pretty happy in their new office.

Meet Our Bar Team

  • Blair Lockwood

  • Keryn Brown

  • Charlie Hume

  • Will Tristram

Hospitality Credentials

  • Matt’s Scottish Whisky Bar, The Malt Room, has been recognised in Scotland and Internationally:

    • Finalist Of The Imbibe 'Best Curated Whisky List in The UK 2018'

    • Winner Of 2021 Scottish Bar & Pub Awards - 'Whisky Bar Of The Year 2021'

    • Officially ranked of the 'Top 50 Whisky Bars In The World 2024'

    • Matt was crowned 'Deanston Whisky Guru 2022'

    • Matt won Buzzworks & Montpeliers 'Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year 2022'

  • The team as Cask are all highly passionate and experienced within the whisky industry.

    Each team member has a qualification in Scotch whisky from the esteemed Edinburgh Whisky Academy and a minimum of 5 years work experience in hospitality.

Our Journey to Cask